The Legion of Mary will be outside after most Masses this weekend (January 28th & 29th) to welcome new members to their ministry in an effort to continue the Church's evangelization mission. Please stop by and say hello. Click the link to learn more and to sign-up to attend a praesidium group.
The Tracy Unified School District (TUSD) and other area public school districts are getting ready to implement their sexual education programs VERY SOON (February 6th). If you are the parent or guardian of a 7th or a 9th grade student, remember that you have both the right and the responsibility to review the sex ed curriculum offered by your child’s school. Click link for more details...
The Parish Offices will be closed on Monday, January 17th. We will re-open on Tuesday, January 18th at 8:30 a.m. in observance of the Martin Luther King, Jr. Holiday. Please note: There is no Adoration on Monday, January 17th due to Martin Luther King, Jr. Day.
St. Bernard's Parish and the Filipino Ministries invite you to celebrate the Feast of Santo Niño. Our celebration starts with Triduum Mass from Jan 18 – 20 at 7:30pm, St. Bernard's Church. To culminate the celebration, Jan 21 at 10am, St. Bernard's Church, there will be a Mass followed by a procession around the parking lot with loud music and return to Church. After the procession, Lunch To-Go is available at St. Padre Pio Room. Come and join us, and together give praise and thanksgiving to the Child Jesus, our Lord and Savior.
St. Bernard's Catholic School is accepting applications for the 2023-2024 school year. If you would like your child to attend Kindergarten, he or she must be 5 years old by September 1, 2023. We are also accepting applications for 1st through 6th grade. To apply visit our school website and click on the Apply Here!
Walk for Life West Coast 2023: Join fellow Catholics and Pro‐Lifers from all over California and beyond as we stand up for the littlest among us at the 19th Annual Walk for Life West Coast in San Francisco on January 21, 2023. More info...
Men, join us at our next Faith on Tap event on Friday, February 3rd at 7pm-9pm. and join the discussion on “Leading your Family to Mass - Guilt Free”. Click link to Pre-Register.
Ladies, join us for our next Faith, Friends & Cabernet as we discuss "What's holding you back in your relationship with God?" with guest speaker, Tina Augustine. You must be 21 or older to attend. Click the link to Pre-Register & to learn more about our guest speaker.
Our beloved retired Parish Administrator, Jennifer Overby, passed away on December 28, 2022. We are grateful for her love, dedication, and service to St. Bernard's, and she will be greatly missed by our entire community. All are invited to attend Jennifer's Rosary & Funeral Mass at St. Bernard's Church. Please click on the link to view her Obituary and for the Funeral Mass LIVESTREAM link.