Fr. David, Fr. John, Fr. Marcelino, and the Parish and School Staff of St. Bernard’s will be welcoming our new Parish Life Administrator, Joe Curtis, on Tuesday, August 2nd, 2022. Joe is a long awaited, welcome addition to our Parish Staff, and will be a very visible and hands on part of our parish. We ask that the Lord bless Joe, Fr. David, our Parish Priests and staff as they begin their working relationship with one another, praying for and caring for our “Amazing Parish”. Read more about Joe Curtis...
Javier's last day at St. Bernard's will be on August 7th. On behalf of the entire parish, we wish Javier the best as continues on his journey discerning the priesthood. Click here to read Javier's farewell message to our parish...
DEADLINE HAS BEEN EXTENDED TO SEPT. 12TH TO PRE-PURCHASE YOUR FRIDAY DINNER & SATURDAY DINNER/DANCE ADMISSION! Our Fall Festival is fast approaching and will be held the weekend of September 16th. There will be activities, games & food booths for the whole family. Click the link for more details and to PRE-PURCHASE YOUR FRIDAY NIGHT DRIVE THRU DINNER OR ADMISSION TO THE SATURDAY NIGHT DINNER DANCE! Space is limited, so act now to save your spot!
All are invited to attend this parish-wide fundraising event hosted by Our Lady of Fatima on Friday, October 7, 2022. It is an evening filled with good food, friends, fellowship & laughter! Tickets on sale now! Sponsorship opportunities also available. Click for more details...
The Carmelite Spirituality Group of St. Bernard Parish is hosting a celebration in Honor of our Blessed Mother. Please join us on July 16, 2022 during our 8:00 a.m. Mass for this celebration. There will be a blessing of scapulars as well as a limited number of scapulars distributed.
In an effort to embrace our Catholic identity and add a spiritual component to our meeting spaces, we are adding a Saint name and picture to the spaces used by our ministries. MORE DETAILS... En un esfuerzo por adoptar nuestra identidad católica y agregar un componente espiritual a nuestros espacios de reunión, estamos agregando un nombre e imagen de Santo a los salones utilizados por nuestros ministerios.
In Observance of Independence Day, our Parish Office will be closed Monday, July 4th. We will be back to serve our Parishioners on Tuesday, July 5th at 8:30am. En Observación al Día de Independencia de los Estados Unidos, las Oficinas de la Parroquia estarán cerradas, Lunes, 4 de julio. Abriremos de nuevo, martes 5 de julio a las 8:30 a.m.
"With praise and thanksgiving to Almighty God, we welcome a new priest! We are delighted to welcome Father Marcelino Malana to our Parish. Let us extend a warm and loving welcome to him as he transitions from Saint Mary of the Annunciation Parish in Oakdale to our parish community here at St. Bernard’s in Tracy. Click for more info...