Fr. Joseph is leaving on June 30th for his new assignment at the Cathedral of the Annunciation. We are honoring his request not to have a “farewell” for him because it can be a very emotional time. However, Fr. Joseph will be available to say his “good-byes” after the Masses that he is celebrating on Sunday, June 26th at 7:00am, 11:00am (HFC), and 5:00pm (HFC). More info...
TEEN BIBLE STUDY! This summer join us for VENTURE, The Bible Timeline for high school students. We will journey from Genesis to Revelations and everything in between. Every Thursday for 8 weeks starting June 16 at 4PM at Our Lady of Fatima Ministry Center. Register today!
It’s time for Orientations for the first year of preparation for the sacraments of First Holy Communion and Confirmation. CLICK LINK FOR MORE DETAILS. A llegado el tiempo de las orientaciones para la preparación de los sacramentos de Confirmación y Comunión para el primer año.
Our high school summer retreat is the highlight of the year for the young people in our parish. Registration is now open! Visit our page to learn more!
Elections for the 2022-2025 term of the Pastoral Council will take place during all Masses the weekend of May 22nd. Click the link to learn more about each of the candidates.