The Solemnity of the Immaculate Conception of the Blessed Virgin Mary on December 8th is a Holy Day of Obligation. Please click on link for a listing of Mass times. Este año, la Inmaculada Concepción de la Santísima Virgen María es el jueves, 8 de diciembre, un Día de Obligación.
Join us for our Advent Penance Service on Tuesday, Nov. 29th 7pm – Holy Family Center, 12100 W. Valpico Road, Tracy. Por favor tome nota que el Servicio Penitencial de Adviento será el Martes, 29 de noviembre @ 7pm en el Centro La Sagrada Familia. Después de esta fecha, habrá horario limitados para Confesiones en nuestra Parroquia
St. Bernard’s Catholic School and Parish is collecting canned foods for those who are less fortunate in our community. We are trying to put together completed Thanksgiving meals for 75 families. Items such as potatoes, gravy, stuffing, cranberry, vegetables, boxed desserts and icing, and baby food would be truly appreciated. Please bring in donations to the parish office between the November 14th – 18th. Thank you for your generosity.
This renewal helps us determine if our parish’s budgetary needs will be met through your financial commitment for the upcoming year. It is a time to reflect on whether your current weekly giving is enough, too much, or has the ability of being increased. Click link to view our parish financial report. Esta renovación nos ayuda a determinar si las necesidades presupuestarias de nuestra parroquia se cubrirán a través de su compromiso financiero para el próximo año.