All Saints Day, Tuesday, November 1st, IS a Holy Day of Obligation. The English Mass Schedule in the Church is: 8:00 a.m., 9:30 a.m., & 5:00 p.m. El Día de los Santos es un Día de Obligación y será celebrado el lunes, 1ro de noviembre. Habrá una Misa en español a las 7:00 p.m. en la Iglesia.
All Souls Day, November 2nd, IS NOT a Holy Day of Obligation. The English Mass Schedule in the Church is: 8:00 a.m. & 5:00 p.m. El Día de los Muertos NO es un Día de Obligación. Habrá una Misa en español a las 7:00 p.m. en la Sagrada Familia.
All are invited to attend the parish-wide celebration in Honor of Our Lady of Fatima. Please mark your calendar and note the Mass schedule changes for this weekend: The Saturday, October 29th 5pm & 7pm Masses will be at the Holy Family Center; & on Sunday, October 30th, the 11am Mass in the Church will be in Portuguese.
Please prayerfully consider signing up for an hour with the Lord. We plan on opening the chapel on Monday, December 5th. We are still in need of adorers for the following days & hours: Por favor considere en oración registrarse para una hora con el Señor. Planeamos abrir la capilla de Adoración el lunes 5 de diciembre.Todavía necesitamos adoradores para los siguientes días y horas:CLICK LINK TO FILL-OUT FORM
As part of the formation towards the priesthood, seminarians have to spend a year serving in one of our parishes. This year of service is called "Pastoral Year". With great pleasure, I inform you that our Bishop Myron J. Cotta has assigned me to this Parish so that I can serve you and at the same time I can learn from each one of you and from our priests. I ask God for his grace to be able to serve you with a humble and generous heart. I commend myself to your prayers and count on mine. God Bless you.
Many lives have been lost and many homes and businesses, along with Church properties, have been severely damaged or destroyed as a result of Hurricane Ian’s havoc in Florida. To help our brothers and sisters in need, Bishop Cotta is asking each parish to take up a special collection this weekend, October 16th. The funds will be sent to Catholic Charities USA which has been doing marvelous work to help those affected by the hurricane. Your generosity is greatly appreciated.
Ladies, join us for our in person Faith, Friends & Cabernet Event on Friday, October 21st at 6pm-9pm with Guest Speaker Letty Gomez at the Holy Family Center. Our theme is “Being Beloved Daughters.” Join your sisters in Christ for an evening of faith & fellowship as we discuss how we are loved by our Heavenly Father. Click the link to Pre-register
Men, join us at our next Faith on Tap event on Friday, November 4th at 7pm-9pm. Deacon Craig Anderson will be leading the discussion on “Meeting Christ in the midst of life's challenges”. Click the link to Pre-Register