It has come to the attention of the Diocese of Stockton that Chad Wahl, a priest formerly incardinated in the Diocese of Stockton, has been employed in the Spiritual Care and Chaplaincy Services department at Sutter Tracy Community Hospital in Tracy, California, starting October 1, 2023.
In 2022, Chad petitioned for the favor of dismissal from the clerical state, which Pope Francis granted, effective March 6, 2023. Mr. Wahl can no longer present himself as a priest or engage in any priestly ministry, with the exception of absolving a penitent in danger of death (c. 976.
Aware that Mr. Wahl’s presence at the hospital might easily cause wonderment among the faithful, the Catholic community is hereby notified not to approach Mr. Wahl for any sacramental ministry, whether in connection with his position at Sutter Tracy Community Hospital in Tracy or elsewhere. Should Catholic patients at the hospital desire sacramental ministry, Mr. Wahl has been instructed to have them contact the priests at their respective parishes.
The Most Reverend Myron J. Cotta
Bishop of Stockton