Ministers of Caring are approved and commissioned by our Pastor. Their ministry includes sharing God's Word, in Scripture and the Eucharist. Training, support, and regular updating is required of a Minister of Caring.
Time Commitment:
Other ways of supporting this ministry:
1. Senior Celebrations: a special Mass during which the sacrament of the Anointing of the Sick is administered. These celebrations are usually on the Saturday after Easter Sunday. And in October, they begin at 10:30 a.m. and are followed by lunch.
2. Special Services and Assistance: organized and provided for to our seniors according to needs and availability.
3. Gift Giving: workshops are held to make and wrap gifts, write and address cards for Christmas and Easter. These workshops are scheduled from 10 a.m. to 12 noon. ( Donated items are always welcomed! )
Time Requirements:
The ministry is free. However, as there is no special collection for it, donations to help with the expenses of our Senior Celebrations, and other services provided, are welcome. The Ministry also appreciated Memorial Donations. Donations may be made to: St. Bernard ’ s Ministry of Caring.
The most important part of this effort is prayer. Please pray for the recipient of the blanket before you start and while you make the blanket. Patterns and directions are available in the Parish Office.
If you know someone, (adult or child) suffering physically or emotionally, or going through long-term struggles with serious health problems, you can call the Parish Office or Martha, and get a healing blanket.